Sainik Public School is the maiden education venture from the Malappuram Ex services League Charitable Trust (MECT) established by Kerala State Ex services League, Malappuram District committee. Five educational institutions managed by the ex servicemen fraternity in Maharashtra, Rajastan, Kerala, HP and J&K, have been brought under ‘Armed Forces Veterans Welfare and Education Society’ (AFVWES). We received the mandatory NOC from the Govt of Kerala in June 2012. We have since been affiliated to CBSE Delhi (AFF . NO. 930978). Presently, the affiliation is to conduct classes up to X std.

We want to become a leading educational institution that creates progressive learners who strive hard for educational excellence. We want our children to have a sense of patriotism so that they may grow up to be healthy responsible and truthful citizens who serve as role models for future generations.
- We aim for providing world class and quality education to the students of this rural area by creating opportunities same as that of urban children.
- While coaching the students on CBSE curriculum our aim is to inculcate sense of discipline with military ethos.
- National pride and secularism among the children.
- The school provides opportunities to develop their personality and leadership qualities and equip them to complete in various professional courses including entry into Armed forces.
- Parents are requested to co-operate with the school authorities in enforcing discipline and better academic atmosphere
- Please send the children to the school in time
- You must ensure that the child is sent in tidy and proper uniform
- They should not wear gold ornaments or wrist watch or carry any other valuable items or cash, all money transactions should be carried out by the parents
- They should daily check “School to Parents” section and sign in the column provided
- Parents should meet the class teacher at least once or twice a month
- Leave absence must be intimated later. The students are permitted to avail half a days leave. But they will not be permitted to join or leave the school during the class hours
- All the articles should bear the students name to trace missing items
- Do not send the children to the school when they are affected by infectious or contagious diseases. On recovery, send them to the school only on the advice of the doctor. If any medicine is to be given to the students during the school hours, such medicine should be sent the school informing the same in the diary
- Please attend PTA meeting without fail
- Send student’s lunch wrapped in a clean napkin
- Avoid over make up
- Don’t send mobile phone/CD’s/ Walkman etc. or objectionable literature/books to school
- Any damage to lab/ library items or any other school property will have to be made good by the parents
- Please meet the Principal/ Administrator if you have any complaint or suggestion to make. Don’t wait for the PTA meeting
All our Scholastic and non scholastic activities are planned and executed within the frame work of military ethos. As we move in to Xth std, we shall be conducting coaching classes to help the students to join the Defence forces both as officers and non officers.